Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 13: I am a girly man

I did plyometrics and shoulders and arms and still really like the S & A workout. I still feel like I'm gonna puke during and immediately after plyometrics. I missed Yoga and Legs and Back. I missed Kenpo too but made it up tonight on my rest day. I got a really good workout. I feel kinda tough while doing this workout. Like if someone was to step in front of me they might get hurt. Unfortunately there are only two very small children in the house. I wish Jared had been there. Ha Ha. I was incredibly sweaty when I finished (like after football practice sweaty). I am going to start week 3 tomorrow with Chest and Back. I did really well on my eating today. When I bomb on the eating I have a hard time wanting to workout. I'm looking forward to Chest and Back tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 8: Chest and Back

I really like this workout. I feel like I'm gonna puke by about halfway but I know that's just because I'm pushing it. I am super sore today so I know I got a great workout. I'm getting better at this workout and at Ab Ripper X. Plyometrics tonight. I'm gonna work out House of Pain style.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Days 5, 6, and 7

Day 5: Legs and Back

I didn't do very well on these. I was so tired on the legs that I just did what I could until I couldn't do anymore which was with about 25 minutes left in the video. As far as back goes I hate doing pull-ups with a chair but for now it's all I can do.

Day 6: Kenpo

I missed on this day.

Day 7: Rest or Stretch

I figure God rested on the seventh day soooo.....

I have lost 15 lbs. already and I feel really good. I am looking forward to getting back in gear on chest and back tonight.